First Kids

Join us for First Kids at 9 a.m. on Sunday!


Check-In for childcare is at the door of the nursery. You’ll be greeted by one of our trained and background checked childcare workers. We’ll have you fill out a 3 part sticker system that includes a name tag for your child, a label for your child’s bag and security tag for the adult picking up your child. We’ll also give you a sheet that will have a QR code to fill out our online Child Info form so we can be sure we have everything we need to keep your child safe while they’re in our care.

If you’re interested in filling out that form prior to arrival, go here: (insert this link

What if my baby needs me? 

We want everyone to have a great experience. If this is new for you and your baby, we want to make you as comfortable as possible! Should you be needed, we’ll come and get you or text your mobile phone.


During the time together, your child will hear a Bible story and have a chance to play with age-appropriate toys. 

We’ll also care for their basic needs as they arise. Please plan to leave us with the necessities your baby will need while they are in our care (bottles, pacifiers, special diapers/wipes, snacks, etc.).

Pick Up

  • Upon pick-up, please have the security tag ready that was given to you at check-in. The adult picking up the child will show that to the childcare worker to match the name tag on your child. 

    You’ll also receive a piece of paper with details of what your child did while in our care. 

    We’ll also hand you a piece of paper called the Parent Cue. This is to give you cues at different parts of your day to begin the foundations of faith with your child. The Parent Cue is also available through the Parent Cue App. (Insert link to download the Parent Cue App on apple/android-here’s the website link that has the app download option: )


Check-In for this age group is in the First Kids wing (Enter the Education Doors and go down the stairs). You’ll be greeted by one of our volunteers who will get you checked in! We’ll have you fill out a brief guest form with the immediate information we need for that morning. Your child will get a name tag. The adult checking in the child will get a security tag that will match your child’s name tag. This will be important for pick-up.  

We’ll also give you a sheet that will have a QR code to fill out our online Child Info form so we can be sure we have everything we need to keep your child safe while they’re in our care. If you’re interested in filling out that form prior to arrival, go here:

What if my child needs me? 

We want everyone to have a great experience. If this is new for you and your child, we want to make you as comfortable as possible! Should you be needed, we’ll come and get you or text your mobile phone. 

Child Info Form


During your child’s time with us, your child will experience age-appropriate games, crafts, activities, worship and a Bible story. Every week your child will be with trained, background checked adults who want your child to have the best experience possible! By the time your child moves to Kindergarten, we want them to know these three basic truths: 

God loves me. 

God made me. 

Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Pick Up

Upon pick-up, please have the security tag ready that was given to you at check-in. The adult picking up the child will show that to the childcare worker to match the name tag on your child. 

We’ll also hand you a piece of paper called the Parent Cue. This is to give you cues at different parts of your day to begin the foundations of faith with your child. The Parent Cue is also available through the Parent Cue App.

To download the Parent Cue App on apple/android:


Check-In for this age group is in the First Kids wing (Enter the Education Doors and go down the stairs). You’ll be greeted by one of our volunteers who will get you checked in! We’ll have you fill out a brief guest form with the immediate information we need for that morning. Your child will get a name tag. The adult checking in the child will get a security tag that will match your child’s name tag. This will be important for pick-up.  

We’ll also give you a sheet that will have a QR code to fill out our online Child Info form so we can be sure we have everything we need to keep your child safe while they’re in our care. If you’re interested in filling out that form prior to arrival, go here: (insert this link

After your child is checked in, they’ll head directly down to the gym to begin their morning with group games or activities. 

What if my child needs me? 

We want everyone to have a great experience. If this is new for you and your child, we want to make you as comfortable as possible! Should you be needed, we’ll come and get you or text your mobile phone. 


During your child’s time with us, your child will experience age-appropriate games, crafts, activities, worship and a Bible story. By the time your child moves to Student Ministry (6th Grade), we want them to know these three basic truths: 

I need to make the wise choice.
I can trust God no matter what.
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Because we believe every phase of a child’s life is important, we divide our kids up into 3 different age groups on a Sunday morning: 

K1 (Kindergarten and First Grade)
23 (Second and Third Grade)
45 (Fourth and Fifth Grade) 

Each of these groups are led by intentional, trained and background checked adults and teens who want to make every Sunday the best experience for your child.

Pick Up

Upon pick-up, please have the security tag ready that was given to you at check-in. The adult picking up the child will show that to the childcare worker to match the name tag on your child. 

We’ll also hand you a piece of paper called the Parent Cue. This is to give you cues at different parts of your day to begin the foundations of faith with your child. The Parent Cue is also available through the Parent Cue App. (Insert link to download the Parent Cue App on apple/android-here’s the website link that has the app download option:

Join us for First Kids at 11 a.m. on Sunday!


Check-In for childcare is at the door of the nursery. You’ll be greeted by one of our trained and background checked childcare workers. We’ll have you fill out a 3 part sticker system that includes a name tag for your child, a label for your child’s bag and security tag for the adult picking up your child. We’ll also give you a sheet that will have a QR code to fill out our online Child Info form so we can be sure we have everything we need to keep your child safe while they’re in our care. If you’re interested in filling out that form prior to arrival, go here: (insert this link

What if my baby needs me? 

We want everyone to have a great experience. If this is new for you and your baby, we want to make you as comfortable as possible! Should you be needed, we’ll come and get you or text your mobile phone.


During the time together, your child will hear a Bible story and have a chance to play with age-appropriate toys. 

We’ll also care for their basic needs as they arise. Please plan to leave us with the necessities your baby will need while they are in our care (bottles, pacifiers, special diapers/wipes, snacks, etc.).

Pick Up

  • Upon pick-up, please have the security tag ready that was given to you at check-in. The adult picking up the child will show that to the childcare worker to match the name tag on your child. 

    You’ll also receive a piece of paper with details of what your child did while in our care. 

    We’ll also hand you a piece of paper called the Parent Cue. This is to give you cues at different parts of your day to begin the foundations of faith with your child. The Parent Cue is also available through the Parent Cue App. (Insert link to download the Parent Cue App on apple/android-here’s the website link that has the app download option: )

Worship Activity Bags

We LOVE having kids in worship! We believe that kids learn how to worship by watching others worship. We also want kids to be kids in worship…which means we love wiggles, giggles and anything else that comes along with being a kid. We certainly don’t want kids to apologize for being kids. We’ve got a special bag for them to help them engage in different ways throughout the service. Be sure to get a Worship Activity Bag from an usher on your way into the sanctuary. 

Family Worship Tips

Truly, we love kids in worship! For all of the life they bring, we want to welcome that knowing they are learning to worship by watching others. We also know that that can sometimes bring some anxiety for parents. Here are few tips and tricks should you find them helpful: 

  • Save the worship bag for the sermon time! 
  • The easiest parts to engage your student are singing and prayer. 
  • Explain the different parts to them as you go through them. Example: “We’re going to stand and sing now.” or “We’re praying to God. Let’s do it together.” 
  • Sometimes sitting up towards the front can help keep them engaged, because they aren’t distracted by everyone in front of them. 
  • Don’t underestimate their ability to understand what they experienced at their age. They might not look like they are listening, but they might surprise you. After service, ask them questions like “What was your favorite song? Why?” or “What did you think about what the pastor said?” Especially as they get older,

Interested in Hearing More

Contact our Next Gen Director, Shelly Nall.