ReStart Meals
ReStart Meals
Can your small group, friend group or family support reStart by preparing and delivering lunch for a Sunday in 2023?
reStart provides services to those at risk or experiencing homelessness in the Kansas City area.This is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate a servant's heart and become involved in a mission for vulnerable people who are in need of nutritional support
Don't know what to prepare? Here's a few ideas:
- Sack lunches that include Hoagie sandwiches, chips and fruit
- Chili or soup and fixin's
- Tacos/burritos or any Mexican food
- Biscuits and gravy
- Casserole or meatloaf
Available dates are:
- February 19
- April 16
- August 20
- December 17
Contact Patty Stock at or 816-210-4840 to sign up or for additional information.