We are called to Serve others.

Serving others is a vital part of being the Body of Christ. Each person has unique gifts, and there are many ways you can serve our church & congregation. 

Current Opportunities to serve our Community & Church:

Serve Day

Serve Day is BACK!  Join us September 14 and be the hands and feet of Jesus!  We have several opportunities for you to help the community.  Check out what is available and sign up today.

Sign up

Sew Powerful

Calling all sewers!  Sew Powerful is a Christian ministry that works to combat extreme poverty through sewing. Their goal, among many other things, is to make Cross-Body Purses for girls in Zambia.  These bags are combined with hygiene supplies and given as gifts to the girls during health class. 

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Dresses & Shorts Ministry

First UMC Blue Springs sends dresses and shorts with mission teams around the world. If you can sew, we are looking for simple dresses or shorts in all sizes. Patterns are available. 

Click for Patterns

Mozambique Partnership

We have a covenant partnership with two churches in Mozambique and have built many water wells through the Mozambique Initiative. 

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Serving Our Church

There are many opportunities to serve others by serving our church. There are opportunities with first impression team, music, usher, special events, volunteering with kids or youth, home communion, and more. Without volunteers, we would not be able to provide a faith community. 


Costa Rica

For over a decade, we’ve had a relationship with a missions organization in Costa Rica that seeks to change and transform lives. And we’re heading back this summer from June 21 - 28! If you’d like to learn what’s involved or get details about pricing and travel, contact Jan Harris at   or 816-678-3435.

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Ready to Serve?

Contact our Associate Pastor of Youth and Missions, Colin Brown!