Series: Me and My Big Mouth
February 06, 2022 | Andrew Nelson
Rev. Andrew Nelson starts this sermon series with everyone’s favorite topic by looking at the words we use when we’re angry. Whew… I know this may sting for some people, but it is a topic that we need to dive into, if we are to use our words in the right way. Did you know that there is a verse in the bible that says, “Be Angry?” (Ephesians 4: 26). We’re going to look at what this verse means in our context and what we are to do with our anger.
Are we supposed to be a people that spews angry words everywhere that we go? Are we supposed to stew on our anger and then release it all at once? Or are we supposed to find another way to channel our anger to maybe, just maybe, give life to people around us?
Series Information

Me and My Big Mouth sermon series talks about our words and how much of an impact they can have on those around us. They have the power to tear down or build up the ones that are closest to us. How can we be a group of people that uses our words to build up people around us?